
Pinterest Profiles for Local Businesses

As a local business there are some specific tweaks that need to be made to your Pinterest profile to ensure that you get maximum visibility. Part of the beauty of Pinterest is the SEO benefits that it brings, and by properly optimizing your profile you can get your business to rank high in the search engines even if you are a local brick-and-mortar business without a website.

It’s easy to do – it just requires a very strategic profile.

Pinterest Profiles for Local BusinessesTo get started, hover above your name in the upper right hand corner, then click “Settings”.  For the purpose of this example, let’s say that your business name is “Dr. Davis Chiropractic” and you’re located in Atlanta, Georgia.  Instead of using your real first name, you would instead list your first name as “Dr. Davis Chiropractic”.

You would then list your last name as “in Atlanta, Georgia”. This would ensure that your Pinterest profile is reflected in the search engine results when someone is searching for your business. Your username is limited to 15 characters, so you need to be more a bit more creative but can select a username such as DoctorDavis or DrDavisChiro.

In the “About” section you’ll write a brief description about your office and services. Be sure to include “Dr. Davis Chiropractic in Atlanta, GA” in this description for SEO purposes, and be sure to include your phone number so that it’s easy for prospective clients to contact you.

Your next step is to enter your physical street address in the “location” field, and your website address below that. If you do not have a website, leave this field blank.

Lastly, upload your logo as the image. In the example of the chiropractor, if you are more widely known by your personal image (as opposed to a logo), then upload a professional picture of yourself.

With a properly optimized Pinterest profile and regular activity on your boards, you will quickly find yourself moving up in the search engine rankings.

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