Linkedin Marketing Excellence
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Leverage The Power of LinkedIn To Get Free Traffic, Promote Offers, and Build a Network of Powerful “Big Name” Connections Who’ll Help You To Skyrocket Any Business To New Heights FAST…
Let me ask you something, what’s the one thing which separates a nobody in the real estate game from a somebody?
What separates a top-notch Realtor from a complete newbie, or a realtor who’s struggling to make ends meat no matter how hard they try?
Well, let me tell you, it’s a few different things; general marketing know-how is helpful, the ability to write copy, and design pages for conversions is important too, but, possibly more than ANYTHING;
You have to be able to CONSISTENTLY generate targeted traffic to your offers.
Now, if you’ve got $1,000’s lying around in drawers, then no problem, generating targeted traffic is relatively easy to do. You can simply learn how to run a paid traffic campaign, or hire a company to do it for you, who’ll only charge you 15-20% of your total monthly adspend, and you should do pretty good.
But, for most people, I know that’s simply not the case. Most Realtors are forced to rely on free traffic… and the problem with free traffic?
It isn’t easy to get.
Anyone who tells you otherwise either isn’t being perfectly honest with you, or simply doesn’t understand the reality of the situation.
Sure, you can get junk traffic pretty easily… but real, quality, targeted, relevant traffic? That’s another story…
In fact, the one thing that tends to separate REAL Agents, from the ones who’re still working a day job, or simply struggling to make money at all, is their ability to get a lot of targeted, free traffic easily.
Have you run into this problem as a realtor?
It’s almost a catch-22… you need traffic in order to make money, but it seems like to get any decent traffic at all, you need a lot of money.
Sure, there are some other ways to get some traffic, but none of them are really all that useful for getting you the quality of traffic that you need to really improve your business.
Without getting people to see your offer, you won’t make any sales, and could find yourself out of business in no time. An otherwise great business can be crushed by its competitors simply due to an inability to get send quality traffic to your site and offers.
So what’s some of the major ways people normally go for free traffic?
Well, SEO no longer really works well, because backlinks have to be earned, not built, and that can take a very LONG time. Sure, if you have the patience to consistently publish quality articles for a few years, then you can get a bit of traffic that way, but it won’t cause a flood of people knocking your door down looking to do business with you anytime soon.
Of course, for some businesses, there are places you can advertise for free, such as Craigslist or other directories, but those will typically only give you a small trickle of low quality traffic… nothing really helpful.
Then of course we have Social Media Marketing (SMM). There are a lot of great benefits to Social Media Marketing, but unfortunately, most people simply don’t do it properly, and achieve very little in the way of results most of the time.
A lot of businesses have been transformed very quickly by getting targeted, relevant traffic from social networks (and lots of it) but what’s a major thing that MOST of these networks have in common?
They are VERY strongly against self-promotion in most forms. Most of the time, when you promote your business on these social networks you’re typically looked at like a crude spammer, and can very easily get your account banned or suspended.
You know who does allow quite a bit of self-promotion? Facebook.
That’s right, Facebook is happy to allow you to promote your business… so long as you’re willing to pay five dollars a click to use Facebook Ads. Otherwise sorry, it’s a no go.
So, with all these issues, what’s a realtor to do? Is Social Media Marketing even viable these days, at all? Can it still be used to propel a business to new heights?
The answer is YES. Absolutely. Social Media Marketing can still be used to skyrocket your business and garner you SERIOUS profits IF you know how to use it, as well as which sites to use.
You can still use Social Media Marketing to get consistent, targeted traffic, to literally ANY type of website you run.
This method works just as well for Realtors. Literally anyone can build up a reputation and get tons of business from Social Networks.
There’s one network, in particular where self-promotion isn’t scolded and branded as spam, but where in fact, it’s actually ENCOURAGED.
It’s an absolutely MASSIVE social network, and it has some of the highest quality users on the internet. It has countless people who’d be a great fit for your product or service, who’re in need of it, and who have money to spend on it.
It’s not 50% teenagers who don’t even have a credit card of their own, instead, it’s chock-full of CEO’s, managers, and decision-makers of all kinds. People who run and help run businesses in every industry and in every niche.
What is it?
Its LinkedIn… probably the most underestimated social network in the world when it comes to marketing.
People have flocked to Facebook for years to market their products, as well as Twitter and others, and of course lately, everyone’s been trying to make a quick buck off of the Pinterest craze… LinkedIn has been, surprisingly, ignored for the most part.
This is rather odd, because LinkedIn, contrary to popular belief is probably the most profitable social network someone can market on, IF you know what you’re doing.
You can make an absolute fortune using LinkedIn; it’s that simple.
It can bring a ton of targeted traffic to your website, absolutely. But, it can also do a lot more for you than that as well.
You can easily send your traffic to any type of offer you’re marketing, and any landing page, just as you would do with standard paid traffic.
This can give you the same direct response profits you would earn with a paid campaign but, with free traffic instead… meaning everything you earn is 100% profit… there’s no need to subtract advertising costs, because there simply aren’t any.
It’s about more than just traffic however. If you’re running a business, you can find customers and clients directly off of LinkedIn simply by networking as well. You can find new employees, as well as third party service providers your company might need.
More importantly than perhaps any of that, you can use LinkedIn to VERY effectively BRAND your business, and build awareness of and support FOR your brand.
Every business needs to take the time to brand, and LinkedIn is a POWERFUL tool for doing just that.
Powerful branding means customers flocking to your door without you constantly HAVING to get more traffic to feed your website or landing pages… because people simply want to work with a well-established, well-branded businesses.
You can also use it to stay current with everything that’s going on in your industry, keep track of your contacts, see what employees and other businesses are doing and more…
Case in point: LinkedIn is an EXTREMELY useful social network, AND, if you’re currently not using it to garner business and/or traffic to your website, you really, really should be.
Still not convinced in the power of LinkedIn?
Here are some pretty interesting facts about this heavy-hitting professional social network:
1 out of every 3 professionals in the WORLD is on LinkedIn. That’s an absolutely INSANE number. Your outreach then is HUGE… and the numbers keep growing at a rapid pace.
LinkedIn is the LARGEST professional social network in the world. No other professional-based social network even comes close to scratching the numbers that they have. Do you know who the SECOND largest professional social network is? … Neither do I.
As of the year 2015, LinkedIn has a whopping 364 MILLION members worldwide… that’s nearly the population of the ENTIRE United States. Do you think there may be a few good customers and clients for YOUR business in that group? It’s a safe bet that there are quite a few.
LinkedIn’s growing at an absolutely absurd rate. Roughly one year ago, LinkedIn only had 296 million members… meaning that they gained around 68 million of their 364 million in JUST ONE YEAR. Who knows where it could be a decade from now… it could certainly even grow to be larger than Facebook one day.
LinkedIn is one of the OLDEST social networks in the world as well… having been established all the way back in 2002. Social Networking was hardly even a “thing” back then, and Social Media Marketing didn’t even really exist yet. Talk about seniority. This makes LinkedIn about 2 years older than even Facebook.
LinkedIn has members in over 200 countries around the world… that’s nearly all of them. So, if you have an international clients, this is a great place to connect with them and build up relationships, as well as acquire new clients and customers from around the world.
So, what if you were achieving the results that LinkedIn has to offer?
Imagine having a consistent source of reliable, targeted… FREE traffic for literally any business or offer you were marketing.
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that you could launch a new venture, and leverage your LinkedIn network to get you the traffic you needed, so that you wouldn’t have to worry about people not seeing your offer, and you could simply focus on making your offer great… knowing that LinkedIn will take care of the rest?
With 364 million people and growing every day, you know you have a wide enough market to grow just about ANY business your heart desires, without even looking elsewhere if you don’t want to.
Your business can simply spread by word of mouth from your LinkedIn contacts, and you have a pool of people to market to which is bigger than you can imagine… and certainly bigger than you could ever need.
Unfortunately, most people just don’t know how to leverage LinkedIn in such a way which allows them to achieve this level of results. So they focus on other social networks, or no social networks at all, and miss out on some AMAZING opportunities to grow their business, or to earn money as an Internet Marketer.
Realizing there was a HUGE opportunity on LinkedIn which people were simply missing out on, I set out to write a powerful, no-fluff guide which teaches people how to leverage massive networks on LinkedIn in order to propel their business to new heights with ease.
I’m going to teach you all the key things you need to know to ensure that you maximize your results with LinkedIn with the least amount of work possible.
If your LinkedIn pages become well populated, and get you a lot of traffic, this will also be a HUGE help to you in search engines like Google, and will get you better rankings there as well… so you’ll really be able to transform your business. Results will only lead to greater results.
So, what are some of the key points you’re going to learn after you get this guide?
First of all, we’ll talk about your headline. Most people just create their headlines at random, and I can tell you that this is a HUGE mistake. You have to craft your headline very carefully, in a very specific way, and I’m going to show you just how to do it.
We’re also going to go over your profile picture… another VERY key area. I don’t think there’s anything more important than your headline, but if there is, then it’s your profile picture. I’ll show you how you can choose something memorable. Having people remember you within all their 100’s or 1,000’s of contacts is extremely important. Choose a portrait poorly, and your success on LinkedIn is doomed right out of the gate.
Now, many people will dive right into LinkedIn and start building a network right away… but this is actually a mistake, believe it or not. It’s better to take the time to build your brand up, create a nice logo, etc before you jump right into putting your business on LinkedIn. You don’t want to look unprofessional right from the outset, so I’ll talk about WHEN it’s the right time to get on LinkedIn and begin your marketing.
Start too soon, and you’ll never gain much traction… start too late, and you’ll lose out on valuable opportunities you would’ve had to grow your business quickly, which is important when it’s in its early stages.
You’ll also learn about how to create the right visual style across your channels. This is another one of those things which seems insignificant, but is actually REALLY important. Your visual style really is a crucial way people identify you, so having this info will help you market on LinkedIn considerably.
Where else have I found that people often mess up? They usually mess up when it comes time to list their experience. There is a such thing as listing the WRONG experience in LinkedIn. Many people make the mistake of thinking that they have to list every single thing they’ve done, but this is simply NOT the case, and it’s actually highly counter-productive to achieving the results you want. I’ll show you how to write up your profile’s experience the correct way.
Did you know that you can actually have an impact on where you show up in LinkedIn’s search results as well? This is one of the major keys to success with LinkedIn. You can take CONTROL of where you show up in their search results, rather than just allowing your listing to show up in any random place, as most of them tend to do. This is essentially “SEO for LinkedIn”. Crucial info.
Aside from your standard page, you’ll also be taught how you can create a company page. If you’re running any company, this is a really professional way to market your business easily.
A company page will serve as a platform where you can promote your brand, run special offers, get more people interested in what you have to offer, etc. It can serve as a hub for your business on LinkedIn. You’ll learn how to do it the correct way.
From this company, you’re going to see how you can add showcase pages to specifically show off websites and products related to your brand. You can also showcase work you did in the past, or accomplishments if you’re a freelancer for example, or looking for a position.
One powerful feature of LinkedIn is your ability to give and to receive endorsements. You’ll be taught just how you can get some nice endorsements for yourself or for your business. People often aren’t paying you for the work you’ve done in the past, or what you tell them you can do for them… they’re paying you for your reputation.
So, if you can get endorsements, this will take you far when it comes to garnering new business, because you’ll have people who are actively recommending the services or products you have to offer… so others can see that what you’re offering is quality without having to have to try you first.
If you’re already a member of LinkedIn, you know that possibly the most powerful feature is the power get access to not only the people who you’re connected to (similar to Facebook friends), but also, who THEY’RE connected to, AND who those people connected to (for a total of 3 degrees of separation).
If you’re already a member of LinkedIn, you know that possibly the most powerful feature is the power get access to not only the people who you’re connected to (similar to Facebook friends), but also, who THEY’RE connected to, AND who those people connected to (for a total of 3 degrees of separation).
So, let’s say you have only 70 connections… you may have 1,000’s of second degree connections, and probably 10’s of 1,000’s of 3rd degree connections. This means that there could be some seriously powerful connections in your 2nd and 3rd degree connections which you’re not even aware of.
There could be some seriously big names in these connections, who, if they were to endorse your product, would propel you and your business to new heights practically overnight. If you know how to search these connections and find these people, it can be absolutely amazingly powerful for your business. I’ll go through how you can find these people, and leverage these contacts to assist you in your business.
This can be especially powerful for big names in your 2nd degree, because they’ll see that the two of you have a mutual friend (or mutual friends) and that can give you a big “in” with that person right away.
For this reason, it’s good to go out and actively seek out good people to connect with. The more good people you’re connected with, the more you expand your entire network, including your 3rd degree connections… and the more likely you are to have great people in your network who can seriously help your business grow. So never turn down good connections.
I’ll show you a feature you can use within LinkedIn to SUPERCHARGE your connections… This is especially great if you’re brand new to LinkedIn and need to kick things off. Basically, you can use ALL of your e-mail contacts to build yourself a network of connections literally overnight. It’s really a simple, yet powerful feature.
You’ve been building up contacts via e-mail for quite a long time now, no doubt. Why not use these contacts to fuel your LinkedIn Network, and by extension, your Social Media Marketing campaigns?
I’m also going to teach the difference between a contact, and what I would consider a “meaningful contact”.
Here’s the #1 difference: Meaningful contacts will earn you money, and get you into touch with the people who will benefit you. Random contacts (especially ones not relevant to your business and niche) won’t do this for you at all. They’ll just take up space and add clutter to your LinkedIn profile.
You’ll learn how to get REAL, meaningful connections, and how to tell the difference between the two. This tip is worth far more than the price of the book itself.
So, you may be wondering, what can I do to get my hands on this information right away?
If you buy TODAY, you also get free access to:
Cheat Sheet – Valued @ $27.00
This cheat sheet is a handy checklist that you can print out and use to easily take action at every step of the process.
It breaks up the whole training into easy-to-follow steps so that you can make sure you have every single piece of advice taught in the training at your fingertips. This helps you to track your progress and will help you to attain your goals.
Mind Map – Valued @ $17.00
This is a really cool mind map outlining the complete training. It gives you an overview of every step you need to apply. You can print it out, as well for its effective usage.
MP3 – Valued @ $27.0
Don’t have time to watch videos? I am also providing you with 10 MP3’s that you can use to listen to them in your car or even while you work out at the gym.
So, if you’d like to take advantage of this offer, and get your hands on this entire video series, then click the button below…
Again, this guide is CRAMMED with value, and I could easily charge $200 for it, $300, even $500.
But, I wanted EVERYONE who’s interested in getting free traffic from LinkedIn, and everyone who wants to use LinkedIn to build their businesses much faster to be able to get their hands on this guide.
For this reason, I’ve decided not to charge $500, $300, or even $200… I’m offering it for a limited time for only $97. The price will go up to $200 a couple months after the launch, BUT if you’re reading this right now, then I have some good news for you: You’ll still be able to get the book at it’s lower price of only $97.
But what do you have to gain from this guide? A powerful tool for getting free traffic, promoting offers, building up a strong network of important connections, and so much more. There are so many other benefits I didn’t have time to cover in this letter, so order now.
Get your copy of LinkedIn Marketing Excellence now… you won’t regret it.
I hope you enjoy this powerful info, as it’s taken me a LONG time to figure it all out and put it all into this one cohesive guide.
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