Korina Cera

Full Name

Korina Cera

Date of Birth


About Me

Korina Cera is a dedicated and passionate licensed real estate broker. Celebrating 11 years of real estate success founded on a strong work ethic. Serving both buyers and sellers with professionalism, experience & enthusiasm! She knows how to market any home to attract the right buyers and she has a knack for anticipating her client’s needs to match them with the right property.
Extremely adaptable, Korina has the ability to adjust her approach to best complement each client and form the most effective partnership. However, despite her friendly manner and disarming smile, Korina is a fierce negotiator who will do whatever it takes to ensure her client’s satisfaction. Korina’s strong attention to detail, effective time management, efficient multi-tasking, in addition to her high performing track record, makes her an expert in real estate. Korina always seeks the opportunity for growth and development through continuing education and where customer service is her #1 goal.
When she is not engrossed in her real estate business, you can find Korina spending time with her kids, Christian and Candace, volunteering with various organizations and exploring various restaurants. A balance and fulfilling lifestyle is key to Korina’s success.
Contact Korina at (661)549-2000 to discuss who she can help you achieve you goals and objectives for selling or buying and beyond.
Se habla español.

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