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SEO Simplicity

Search Engines That Use SEO

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    • #2082

      Google and Yahoo are two of the search engines that use SEO. While there are those who say that both of them also rely heavily upon link building when it comes to page placement in the search engine results, both of them also rely heavily on search engine optimization. They send their search engine spiders and bots through the text to pick up keywords to help rank the page. The bots pick up both long tailed and regular keywords. Long tailed keywords are phrases that appear throughout the text and will be discussed in a later chapter of this book.

      All of the search engines use SEO to some extent. While SEO is not the only factor that figures in to search engine results placement, it is a primary factor in this placement.   Google, Yahoo, MSN and all of the other search engines all rely on SEO in the content to figure on placement in their pages. However, one search engine may rely on the SEO more than others.

      If you do a search on Google, for example, chances are that you will pull up different results than if you plug the same keywords into the Yahoo search engine. Both of these giant search engines use SEO in order to determine rank, although they also figure in other factors.

      One factor that figures heavily in the Yahoo search engine rankings (as it does in other search engines) is link building and page building. The search engine will rank a website higher if it has many links back to the site throughout the web. This is very prevalent with the giant information site, Wikipedia. You have probably noticed that this site often comes up when you are searching for information. That is because there are so many backlinks throughout the web that link back to this site.

      When you are on a Wikipedia page, you will notice hyperlinks to other areas of the site. This large link network creates hundreds of thousands of pages that are all linked together to dominate the search engine results. In addition to link building, however, Wikipedia also uses SEO. If you study any Wikipedia article, you can pick out the keywords and see how often they are used.

      Everyone who has a website online wants to make sure that they get their website noticed in the search engines. There are positive ways to do this and tricky ways to do this. Tricky ways are often called “black hat” techniques that can get a website banned from the search engines. This can be self defeating, so you want to be sure that you naturally build up your ranking in the search engines through the use of SEO and other strategies.

      One way that you can naturally build up your rankings in the search engine is to properly implement SEO in all of the text that is committed to your website. You want to be sure not to use keyword stuffing, which is when you have too much of a keyword density in your text. You should have 2-3% keyword density for your text.

      Some of the basic principles of using SEO in text are as follows:

      • Use it in the title of the text, preferably in the first few words;
      • Use it in the first sentence of the text;
      • ŸUse it in the last sentence of the first paragraph of the text;
      • ŸUse it once in the body of the text per 500 words;
      • ŸUse it in the last sentence of the text.

      Different marketing companies that practice SEO will use different tactics to get their website noticed. Many of them use variations of the above when it comes to SEO. Two things that you want to avoid when you are working with SEO to market your site is using too many keywords in your text or not using the right keywords. Later, we will discuss the different ways that you can discover which keywords will work for your type of site.

      In order to market your website online, you will want to use search engine optimization in all of your text related to your website. All of the search engines pick up SEO to varying degrees so understanding how to optimize your website is important if you want others to be able to easily access your website when online.

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