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SEO Simplicity

SEO In Photos

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    • #2091

      When people go online, they want more than just text, they want to see photos. In some cases, people can find your website by doing a photo search instead of a text search. It is sometimes easier to find what you are looking for if you use photos instead of text during your search. Most search engine toolbars have the option for the user to search by photos.

      All of the photos on your website should be tagged with search engine optimized keywords.   It is important that all of your photos are tagged so that those who are searching for what you are promoting by way of a photo search can find it.

      Just as a regular text search will reveal hundreds of thousands of text pages for just about any search, a photo search will also yield results pages. However, since there is much more text than photos on the internet, the number of photo results pages are a fraction of what is revealed for text pages. This is why some people prefer to search for what they want using the photos option.

      While it may be difficult for those to search deep into the search engine result pages for your website if there are many like it, it is not as difficult to search for photos. The search for photos is much shorter and many people will look through all of the photos in the search. This is why it is important for you to make use of sites that will allow you to host and display your photos. There are many free sites out there such as that allow you to host photos for free. You can upload your photos onto this site and then tag them with appropriate SEO keywords so that they come up in the search engines. You can also put your link to your site on the hosting company site. This gives you yet another way to promote your website for free online.

      You can add the same photo to different free hosting websites for additional exposure. You can do a Google search to discover the different websites that will allow you to upload free photos. Most of them limit the number of photos that you can use for the site.

      Using photos is one of the ways that you can add to your SEO marketing. This does not end up costing you any money at all and very little time.

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