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SEO Simplicity

Using Longtail Keywords

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    • #2088

      When the internet first began, it was possible to just put in a few keywords to find a site online that had what you were looking for when you were using the search engines. Things have changed dramatically since the inception of the internet in that there are millions upon millions of websites for just about any type of product. Needless to say, it makes it all the more difficult for those who are looking for what you have to sell to find you in the search engines.

      Many people who are searching for something online realize this as well. They know not to put in a keyword such as “shoes” into the search engine search bar because they will get millions of results pages. They know that they have to narrow down their search by typing in a phrase into the system.

      A phrase can be considered long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are those that are more of a direct phrase that can be used in your online marketing and will pop up in the search engines for those who are using that particular phrase to search for something online.

      In order to use long tailed keywords effectively in your SEO, you have to have an idea of how those who are most likely to want to buy your product will search for it online. What type of words will they use in their search? You can find this out through Google analytics or you can figure it out for yourself. You should make sure that the long tail keywords that you are planning to use for your articles, blogs and press releases are what others are more than likely to use when they are performing a search online for products or services from your website.

      You should also be sure that you understand that spelling is often a problem when it comes to some keywords. The more keywords that you have in your article or blog, the more of a chance that someone has to misspell the keywords.   If you have keywords that are often misspelled by the public, you should include some misspellings of the keyword that are most likely to be used in your article, blog or press release.

      You should also use short keywords in your SEO as this will also be picked up by the search engines. However, as the internet continues to grow, you can no longer ignore the advantages of using long tail keywords have over you.

      The long tail keywords can have some words that are not picked up by the search engines in the title and text so that they make sense. For example, if you are using high heeled shoes in Denver as your long tailed keyword, “high heeled shoes Denver” would be the keyword. The “in” to make the phrase more grammar conscious, does not interfere with the search.

      Long tail keywords can make a big difference when you are trying to get your website noticed online. You should incorporate the long tail keyword just as you would a regular keyword into your text as well as any marketing that you do for your site. You will find that you get much better results by using long tail keywords for marketing than you would with short keywords used for marketing.

      You have more of a chance of attracting customers to your site using long tail keywords than you would using regular keywords. Those who do hit on your site when using a long tail keyword search will be more likely to be looking for exactly what you are selling than those who randomly land on the site using shorter keywords. While you should use both long tail and regular keywords for your SEO projects, it is important not to underestimate the importance of using long tail keywords when you are creating a search engine optimized product for your website.

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