Social Media Brainstorming

Chapter 8: Social Media Marketing Forecast

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      The top two benefits of social media marketing are increased exposure and increased traffic to your website. That’s not likely to change anytime soon. In fact, because of the low overhead involved and potential for success, businesses are steadily increasing their online presence through social media marketing opportunities.

      A recent industry report shows that YouTube is the top area of interest for marketers in 2013. Of those surveyed, 69 percent indicated that they are increasing their marketing efforts on the site.

      Only 4 percent of those surveyed indicated they do not have any plans to use Facebook for their marketing strategy, but an overwhelming 66 percent of businesses that already use Facebook plan on increasing their presence on the social networking site.

      Photo-sharing sites, such as Instagram will see a surge of about 38 percent in marketing activity, with the number being even higher (48 percent) for the 20 – 29 year old demographic.

      Savvy social media marketers are well aware of the potential gold mine of social media websites. As time passes and these sites gain bigger followings and stronger reputations, more and more businesses will be taking advantage of what they have to offer. By getting in on it now, your company will already be well-positioned and comfortable with the ins and outs, and perks and advantages of each site.


      Like the rest of the internet, the popularity of social media sites wax and wane with the times. The ten listed earlier have shown either proven staying power, or have become so popular so quickly that it’s difficult to imagine they will be obsolete anytime soon.

      However, the future of social media marketing rests in the hands of the users who hold the accounts on such sites. Without their expressed interest (or disinterest) through action (or lack of action), marketers have no way of knowing what works and what doesn’t work. As such, in whatever you do, keep the user front and center in your decisions. Listen to them and stay ahead of the trends. When you work on engaging, and not just selling, the results will come naturally.

      The Finale

      And that’s it for our Social Media Marketing course. If you’ve been reading from the start, CONGRATULATION! You’ve made it through the entire Social Media Marketing course.
      Hopefully by now you’ve already know what to do next . If you want more of these, visit our “WordPress SEO Course: Double Your Daily Traffic in 30 Days” below to learn how you can maximize your site’s SEO and easily double your site’s web traffic

      Don’t forget to grab yourself a copy of SEOPressor too, I’m pretty sure you will find SEOPressor’s Social SEO feature to be very helpful in managing your Social Media Marketing.

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