Cost Effective Mobile Site Solutions For Real Estate Agents - REO Pro Agent

For a real estate agent, having a mobile site is essential. But to create a mobile site requires certain technical skills that most of us just don’t have. We can hire a web developer to do it but that will cost a lot. There are some sites that offers a mobile site for real estate agents for monthly fees.

In this thread we will show you how to get a mobile site for free or with a very cheap price. Keep on reading.

Most (if not all) real estate agents already have a website. But only small percentages of pro agents that already used mobile sites. So, our main goal here is to add mobile site as an addition to your existing site. We will show you 2 options that you can choose to get a cost effective mobile site.

Option 1 : Using Static HTML Mobile Site

We include a premium mobile site template that you can use for free. You can download it using the link below. This mobile site has a touch-optimized features. With valid HTML/CSS Code, lightweight and clean coded , touch-Optimized features, your visitors will have a fast loading,professional mobile site.

pro-agent-mobile-mock-up Click Here To Download

If you are a Pro Member, you can download this mobile site template with 4 different colour variations. Go to VIP Access section from the top menu.

Edit The Template

To edit the template you will need HTML editor. The most famous HTML editor software is Adobe Dreamweaver but it’s not cheap. You can free HTML editor to do this task such as coffee cup. You can download it here :


After you are finished with editing the template, you need to upload it to your server. Easiest way to do this is by using FTP software. There many options but we recommend Filezilla. If you don’t know how to upload files using FTP software, there are many tutorials all over the internet. But hey, we even have one at this site. You can go to My Account > Video Trainings.

Make a new folder on your server, ie “mobile” or make a sub domain ie “m”. So your mobile site address would be or

Using the FTP software, upload all the files to the folder that you made.

Redirect Script

If people visit your site using a desktop pc, they will still see your main site. But if they are using smartphones, they will see a mobile optimized site. To do this, all you need is to put a redirect script to your main site index file. It can be index.html or index.php.

Pay attention to your directory name. The folder name should be called mobile and the page should be called index.html. It should be all lower case.

If your folder name is something other than mobile, don’t worry! We can still make it work. You just have to change a small piece of code.

Change mobile/ to whatever you named your mobile folder.
For example document.location = “mymobilewebsite/”;

All done.

Option 2 : Using WordPress

This is by far the easiest and effective way to have a mobile site. With WordPress, you don’t have to know about basic HTML editing. The downside is that a custom WordPress mobile theme cost more than static HTML site.

But, we have a great real estate mobile theme that you can download for just $30. Click here for demo.

Mock up

Pro Agent Mobile Theme ia a WordPress theme optimised for mobile devices. With Pro Agent Mobile Theme you design your own mobile website with nine customisable preset colour schemes, powerful theme configuration options and multiple page templates.

Add your own high resolution logo, custom fonts and shortcodes and fine tune with Pro Agent Mobile Theme’s unlimited colour options whilst maintaining the style and branding of your desktop website.

It is suitable for both corporate and personal use and for non-technical users with very limited WordPress experience and for programmers with technical know-how.

Pro Agent Mobile Theme is easy, simple and fun to use… The only limitation is your imagination!

If you are a Pro Member, you can download this Premium Real Estate Mobile Theme for free. Go to VIP Access section from the top menu.

Installing WordPress

First, you need to install WordPress on your server, for example in a new folder “mobile” so your mobile site will be

If you don’t know how to use WordPress, we do have complete WordPress trainings in the members area. With 60 step by step, easy to follow videos you can master WordPress in no time.

Upload the theme and install it. After that, you just need to add your contact details, company logo, any informations that you want to display on your mobile site.

Add redirect script on your main site same as above, and you’re done.


Well there you have it. We have showed you 2 options to have a mobile site that can bring you more leads and more sales. Of course there are other options such as hire a web developer or pay monthly fees to a company, but our options are the easiest way and cost effective.

You can have a mobile site for free with our complimentary Premium Mobile Site Template or you can use our Premium WordPress theme which only cost you $30.

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