
Today is all about sealing the deal with those hot seller leads you score with Facebook Lead Ads.

We’ve got a step-by-step actionable marketing plan ready to go.

All you have to execute and follow-up with your new, quality seller leads.

Let’s get to it!

Setting Up Your CRM Integration To Nurture Seller Leads

It’s easier than ever to get your seller leads right where you want them.

With Paths, you’re just a few clicks away from funneling your leads to your CRM or into an email drip sequence.

You can use a service like Zapier to send your leads to your CRM or a specific location.

After you’ve got this setup, it’s time to create your lead ad!

Creating The Ad

It’s time to select the type of ad you want to run!

Navigate to your ads manager to get started.

You’ll determine this by setting your marketing objective.

In this case, like most always, it’s Lead generation.


To capture sellers with Facebook Lead Ads, we first need to create an audience to target the ad to.

You’ll start by selecting Create New and then specifying your new audience demographics.


You first want to enter your city or farming location and give yourself a 25 mile radius around it.

These are all the potential sellers who will see your ad.

You also want to narrow your age range.

Facebook will usually start you at 18 – 65+, but that’s far too broad.

For home sellers, we suggest making 30 your lowest age.

You can leave 65+ as-is, or cap it at 60 for more specific targeting results.

Next, we need to add in a few more details.


You can follow the exact targeting specs above.

It’s really important to exclude those in the real estate profession, as well as renters.

Neither of these groups are likely to be selling a home.

You also really want to focus on the income levels you select.

The 3 we’ve chosen above will work for your market as well.

Your targeting should be fine tuned as much as possible based on what you know about your market, but these are really good base points to start with.

Providing Your eBook

If you don’t have an ebook, you can get one from our kit below:


Wrapping Things Up

We hope this strategy works well for your market!

However, even after you launch your ad and start getting leads, you need to make sure you’ve got a follow-up strategy and system in place to convert them.

Collecting contact information is great, but that isn’t going to push your leads all the way through your seller funnel.

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