How to Market a Business on Facebook
The Best REO Agents and Brokers Directory
Five Ways Real Estate Agents Can Become Influencers on Twitter
, Latest Tips, Social Media, Twitter, 1
The good folks down at AccuraCast were kind enough to share with us some excellent tactics for building and...
Selling Real Estate During the COVID-19 Pandemic
, Latest Tips, corona virus, 0
For today’s blog, I’m boiling down the advice to three crucial points. These are certainly different times. But we’ve...
How COVID-19 Is Changing The Real Estate Industry
, Latest Tips, corona virus, 0
As we come to a close on the first week that most of us in the US are self-quarantining...
How to Use LinkedIn Marketing for Your Business
, Latest Tips, Linkedin, Social Media, 0
With the endless number of social media websites that have recently come up, trying to choose the most valuable...
LinkedIn Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
, Latest Tips, Linkedin, Social Media, 0
LinkedIn offers vital networking opportunities for different businesses. Because LinkedIn is a social media platform that specifically geared towards...
Real Estate Blogging (7 critical lessons to learn from the worst real estate blogs)
, Latest Tips, Real estate blogging, 0
Real estate blogging – loved, hated, promoted, ridiculed. Nevertheless, I just read an article about real estate blogging “do’s...